„Eure Armut kotzt uns an“, war mal ein Spruch auf einem linken Politik-Magazincover, natürlich ironisch gemeint. In der Tat gilt, was der britische Künstler Jeremy Deller mal so beschrieben hat: „the art world is a great place to meet retired arms dealers“. weiterlesen
Why did you become interested in the idea of Romantic Conceptualism and to what extent does the method of slapstick inform your take in the work included in the exhibition Romantic Conceptualism and how does this exhibition relate to your previous work as a curator, eg. Funky Lessons?
I became interested when I first saw Warhol’s film Kiss (1964) projected in 1999, realising that it blew me away even though I had assumed it was just the cool conceptual execution of a simple idea, which is to ask couple after couple – men and women, men and men – to kiss for the duration of a three minute roll of film, and nothing else. read on
But how can you critique something that you’re a part of? Don’t you become snow-blind, so to speak…
The opposite would be a problem. If you fantasize yourself as being outside of something, you start to loose touch with it. We’re not forensic scientists looking at the dead body of art. read on
Jörg Heiser is an art critic, teacher, curator, and musician. A doctor of art history holding an M.A. in philosophy, he is Director of the Institute for Art in Context, Dean and a professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of the Arts in Berlin. For twenty years, he worked as an editor for frieze magazine, and continues to write for numerous outlets including e-flux journal and Süddeutsche Zeitung. His books include All of a Sudden. Things that Matter in Contemporary Art (2008) and Double Lives in Art and Pop Music (2019). Since 2004 he has curated numerous group exhibitions including Romantic Conceptualism (2007-8, Kunsthalle Nuremberg and Bawag Foundation Vienna, catalogue), and he was co-curator of the Busan Biennale 2018 in South Korea. The second album of the band La Stampa, a member of which he is, has been released 2018 by Vinyl Factory, London.
Jörg Heiser ist Kunstkritiker, Hochschullehrer, Kurator und Musiker. Als Doktor der Kunstgeschichte und Magister der Philosophie hat er eine Professur an der Fakultät Bildende Kunst der Universität der Künste inne und ist dort Dekan und geschäftsführender Direktor des Instituts für Kunst im Kontext. Er arbeitete zwanzig Jahre als Redakteur für das Kunstmagazin frieze. Seit 1997 schreibt er Kritiken und Essays für die Süddeutsche Zeitung, daneben für andere Medien wie Republik.ch, Deutschlandfunk, e-flux Journal etc. Zu seinen Veröffentlichungen zählen die Bücher Plötzlich diese Übersicht. Was gute zeitgenössische Kunst ausmacht (Ullstein/Claassen, 2007) und Doppelleben Kunst und Popmusik (Fundus/Philo Fine Arts, 2016). Seit 2004 Kurator diverser Gruppenausstellungen (u.a. Romantic Conceptualism, Kunsthalle Nürnberg und Bawag Foundation Wien, 2007/8, Katalog), zuletzt Co-Kurator der Busan Biennale 2018 in Südkorea. Das zweite Album der Band La Stampa, deren Mitglied er ist, erschien 2018 bei Vinyl Factory, London.